Monday, August 4, 2014

The Bell Curve of Racial Thought

    Yesterday I posted an opinion on the Israeli-Palestinian crisis where I suggested that there is a racial component that may a more important part of the equation in the formation of our American official position than is generally considered.  I viewed a morning newsette program a few minutes ago where the all-white panel reiterated the legitimate “self-defense” actions of the party which is by another once legitimate standard the invader and occupier of the land on which their presence has caused to be engulfed in bloodshed. Protests around the world where the hypocritical reversal of the David and Goliath scenario, in favor of Goliath, were characterized as “despicable anti-Semitism”. Considering that both parties engaged in the hostilities are ‘Semitic’, we are intellectually directed to differentiate between the good Semite and the bad. And I contend again that the hierarchy of needs of the white Semites, regardless of history, international law, or common decency, were given such overwhelming priority that I believe it is reasonable to question the organic racial origins of the thought processes of the panel rendering the opinion.
 The Holocaust, often cited as the justification  for the confiscation of Palestine from the Palestinians, was a European phenomena perpetrated by one set of Europeans on another set of Europeans. And it would seem a reasonable and legitimate query from the Palestinians seeking to discover why they must pay the bill for a debt generated in Europe. This is an especially appropriate question when the map of region they live in, and the entire African continent, is a testament to arbitrary lines drawn on maps by Europeans in total insensitivity to the cultures, history, ethnicity, or languages of the various peoples inhabiting the regions and summarily forced into artificial constructs that Europeans invented as nations. Why, a Palestinian might ask, wasn’t a portion of Germany, which was responsible for the Holocaust and the destruction of Europe, set aside for its victims. And why couldn’t the dominant U.S. recognize, within minutes, the establishment of a Jewish state there, and support and protect it similarly as it has done in appropriated Palestine? European guilt may have been a better assurance of the safety of a Jewish state than could or should be expected from Middle Eastern resentment.
 Considering actual history, just about half of the history of the Jewish people occurred in the Middle East before any sort of Jewish political state came into being and/or accounting for brief and intermittent times when  the Jewish people were sovereign in any part of the region, and the second half was primarily in Europe, it might be, from the Palestinian perspective appropriate for a Jewish state to be most correctly accommodated by Europe. But no, against reason, international law, or common decency, it was suddenly considered appropriate to politically legitimize a thousands of years old religious myth, much of which was de-legitimized by the Christian mythology of Europeans, and solve a white people’s problem by calculated disregard of the basic humanity of brown people. Apparently brown people have no rights white people are required to respect.
Am I obsessed with race? I would say no. But I am cognizant that the mentality of Europe and America, to the subconscious level, has been so deformed and mutated by racism, that even it the face of documented history they can’t accept or acknowledge the perversions of thought it has engendered - and continues to engender.
  As a thought experiment, consider what might be the policy and position of the American government if the Palestinians were white and Mr. Netanyahu was brown. Who would be the terrorist then?

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