Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Freedom R.I.P.

    The obituary to freedom has been written, yet Americans distracted by the effluvium of trivia offered by both mainstream and ‘social’ media are unaware that it has been written and typeset.
    Still another frightening example of Orwellian mischief conducted by the NSA has come to light. Their TAO (Tailored Access Operation) group does, among other devilish things, intercept computers ordered online and detours them to facilities where various malware and spyware are embedded at levels that undermine any encryption or other protective measures the eventual owner may choose to install, before being repackaged and delivered to the purchaser. It is my understanding that the spy embedded will record the very keystrokes used to install encryption commands – making the encryption an ineffectual locked door with a spare key held by the NSA. It has been reported that this program has been in effect since 1997, well before the increasingly suspect empire-incentive mysteries of 9/11 occurred.
    This preemptive attack on privacy, so intellectually similar to the atrocious criminal rationale of the Iraq invasion and the insane Vietnam reasoning of the necessity “to destroy villages in order to save them” cannot be justified as a measure to “preserve our freedom”. It is a direct, calculated assault upon that freedom with the ultimate purpose to surgically remove the communication or influence of individuals who may question the government’s policies, motives, or economic favoritism/classism and make it impossible for Government of the people, for the people, to be challenged by any formation of a disaffected critical mass that can be called “the people”.
    Following as it does the revelations and subsequent perjuries of NSA activity in the collection of ALL telephonic communication – a UNIVERSAL search seeking crime instead of “probable cause” warranting a search – and the new enunciation of the “patriotic” canard that journalism which exposes illegal and unconstitutional activities of government as “treason”, and the establishment of an additional standing army, Homeland Security, joined with the increasingly militarized local police combined as a force that can overwhelm any Second Amendment benefit the people are permitted to fantasize as protection against encroachment of government upon the rights the government deems inconvenient for the security and enlargement of the Empire, it would in days of yore inspire a ‘committee of correspondence’ –at least! But the exchange of private communication is too threatening to allow because all private thoughts must now be vetted for compliance with jungle-capitalism, jingoistic imperialism, and intellectually unfettered adoration of Israel.
     What is amazing and sad is that our highly educated representatives seem unaware that they were not elected to represent “government” or capital, but rather in the course of acting as “government” their primary responsibility is to represent “us” and assure our rights take primacy over the tempting conveniences and illusions of power.
    There can be no ‘legal’ justification for the excesses of the “secret state”, and since none are offered we may as well use the one remaining duty the “free press” elects to observe – and publicly print the obituary.

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