Saturday, August 17, 2013

Remembering Rights


     Somehow, like a hormonal pimple on the nose of naivete, the convenient emergence and imminence of our security establishment’s discovery of “the most credible terrorist threat in years”,  is more predictable than surprising, coming as it does on the heels of the troubling revelation of the NSA’s steadily mounting litany of abrogation of our Constitutional Rights. Their typical defense is they were only dutifully acting to save us from freedom’s unintended mischief to “security”. Even if one is inclined to put the best possible spin on this bureaucratic malfeasance, it is required of mature citizens to remember that manufactured fear has historically been the bulwark justifying fascist conveniences, which always include revised premises of unalienable rights. And history also shows that when clever, industrial-scale propaganda, in service of war (real or illusory), induces the trance in which civil rights are inimical to victory, you can in the end, only have victory that is inimical to civil rights.

    It may be the transference of cultural hegemony to the Millennials who in utero psychologically ingested technological intrusion into formally private and sacrosanct realms beginning with ultrasound examinations that revealed them even before ‘legal’ personhood, and who have subsequently even relinquished interior privacy by way of vacuous “Tweets” and “Selfies”, which informs the government of a new, faux sophistication among the populace that devalues and diminishes the ancient temenos of privacy. But, even if the lascivious temptations of technology loosen restraints individuals should impose upon themselves, the proper, official, legal use of technology is the duty, responsibility and vicarious liability of a constitutionally constrained government.

   Being an unreconstructed 9/11 Truther and a Warren Report/Vietnam era American, my impelled conception of intellectual honesty and self-respect prevents me from denying blatant anomalies in the fabric of physical and moral reality our government often weaves to advance its agenda or quell controversy; even to the point of the “big lie”. The “big lie”, Hitler noted, is a scenario that is beyond the capacity of “the simple minds of the people to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation… yes, even when enlightened on the subject”.  For example, no amount of reference to the laws of physics, the Conservation of Energy, basic engineering and architecture etc. will sway our supposedly educated population from acceptance of the ludicrous “official” explanation of building collapses on 9/11. The Fuehrer’s observation is seemingly further reinforced when the mere prophesy of events, rather than concrete occurrences, is enough to cause pliant, unquestioning surrender of percentages of personal freedom, thought, and privacy that would make modern America so distinctly unrecognizable to previous generations, that those infected with the psychosis of power have no compelling incentive to re-burden the unopposed exercise of Orwellian authority with the sheepishly abandoned whimsy of unalienable constitutional rights.

      The newly received cultural narrative is that owing to some bizarre metaphysical equation, the citizens of the most powerful nation on earth cannot be simultaneously ‘free’ and ‘safe’. We’re given to believe the existence of some nebulous über-threat necessitates both a large, magnificently equipped standing military force AND a supplemental ‘domestic army’, Homeland Security, which recently supplied itself with 1.5 billion rounds of ammunition. Nonetheless, behind this bristling armed barrier whose raison d’être is protection of our 
freedom, we are obliged us to reposit our still insecure and inconvenient freedoms with a paternal government until some future decade or century when the apparatus of “security”, all its technologies and processes, including such constitutionally dubious applications as  “Parallel Construction”, will be dismantled and our manifestly ‘alienable’ civil rights will then supposedly revert to their Constitutional defaults.  Considering the statistic that terrorism has endangered ordinary Americans to the same degree as one may be prey to furniture falling from high rise buildings, it may be questioned if such a prophylactic abrogation of the people’s protections in the Bill of Rights, together with the establishment of the Praetorian Guard of Homeland Security, indicates that the government, for some reason, fears its citizens as much or more than offshore enemies, and has come to consider the protection of itself and imperial policies, and not the freedom of the people, as its primary duty.

    Government, in the course of its public duties assumes, no, takes an absolute entitlement to secrecy. But, when one of those secrets is the abridging of supposedly unalienable rights, THAT illegal behavior offers validation of the primordial fear that for entities of government, even ours, “rights” are only aleatory analects, and will ever be treated as such unless given incontrovertible substance by perpetual vigorous attention and forceful, and if necessary violent demand of the people.

    If it becomes acceptable in a society experiencing largely unrent day to day normalcy that unalienable rights are in fact provisional, and statutory parameters may be redefined and/or disrespected by government ‘in secret’, then it must be concluded that the people tacitly authorize the dismantling of even the façade of freedom and government by the people. Then it may be expected that tyranny will ascend the throne as it most often does – by way of demotic acquiescence or indifference to the “gradual and silent usurpation” of once believed indefeasible civil rights.

    Where once I would have considered this opinion I now possess ’fantastic’, the litany of illegal wars, The Patriot Act, the NDAA, torture, rendition, the drone killings of American citizens without any publicly scrutinized ‘due process’, indefinite imprisonment of un-indicted individuals, Congressional rubber stamping of every call to war, and of course the massive warrantless spying on the citizenry, forces me into a sort of paranoia regarding the true nature of the society I inhabit. Too many things, once propagandized as the provinces of autocratic foreign despots and fascist dictators, are practices now justified domestically under the old reliable rubrics of ‘safety and security’, where the 'more' valuable product ‘security’ can only be purchased with the deflated coin of ‘freedom’.

    I only hope my fear is wanton and this communication is just the excess of an uninhibited and ludicrous keyboard operated by too small an understanding of the complexities of the modern geo-political world.  And I hope to be argued back to a more comfortable sensibility by those who expect to be ‘more free’ in the coming decades.


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