Friday, October 29, 2010

Morality on the Ballot

This upcoming election is sometimes characterized as a battle for America’s soul, but the disposition of our soul is lost in ludicrous partisan bickering and stupid ideological loyalties which are little more than childish stamping of the feet and saying “because I said so”. We consciously avert our eyes from the real cause of our moral and financial poverty –war!

In a prior blog I returned to a familiar theme – 9/11. I recounted the scientific impossibility of the Twin Towers crashing to the ground at free fall speed due to collision of aircraft or fire. The seventy lower floors, undamaged by either, must have, in the fire and collision scenario, offered some resistance to the damaged mass above it, making it impossible for the buildings to collapse at free fall speed as if the remaining undamaged greater mass was molecularly undifferentiated from air. But the Towers did in fact collapse at free fall speed in direct contravention to the Laws of Gravity, Conservation of Energy and other established and accepted scientific principles. The government’s official conclusion and report to the people confirmed that in fact, the laws of physics were in abeyance on Sept. 11. Since this is impossible, the government report, “The 9/11 Commission Report” is obviously untrue.

Then I turn to Iraq. It has been confirmed that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and that Sadaam Hussein was not in league with Al Qaeda , nor did he play a role in the 9/11 attack. Yet those allegations were the raison d’être for our invasion.

So, if there are no Socratic truths, and no scientific truths, in what serve as initiators for war, a case can be made that the wars themselves are ethically and constitutionally illegal and immoral.

Are we going to take America’s soul or ideology into the voting booth?

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